●ブログ更新 2012/12/20 FRB バランスシート +0.5% 前月比 △ - 石油監査人 - Yahoo!ブログ http://t.co/DXLtjmWC
posted at 23:02:20
posted at 23:02:20
●ブログ更新 2012/10 米・住宅価格指数 +0.7% (20都市、季節調整後、前月比) △ - 石油監査人 - Yahoo!ブログ http://t.co/wUZYdBzw
posted at 11:51:38
posted at 11:51:38
Oil will decline shortly after 2015, says former IEA oil expert http://t.co/E77LCghJ
posted at 11:38:23
posted at 11:38:23
I've found it's never a good idea to take the opposite side of Bill McBride when it comes to predicting what's about to happen next.
posted at 11:30:56
posted at 11:30:56
Iron Ore Rallying Most Since ‘10 as China Rebounds: Commodities http://t.co/oA2ilopW @BloombergNewsさんから
posted at 11:28:59
posted at 11:28:59
欧州の大寒波、死者600人超す ロシアでは215人に 写真32枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News http://t.co/f9dOZWBR @afpbbcomさんから
posted at 11:17:53
posted at 11:17:53