2024/4/1 News

Las Vegas Visitor Authority : With an extra day from the leap year, a notable YoY increase in available rooms, a strong group segment and of course, a Super Bowl, the destination saw a robust YoY increase in visitors and record‐breaking room rates.


Las Vegas February 2024: Visitor Traffic Up 9.5% YoY; Convention Traffic Up 15%


USDA 大豆 : 世界の生産量は、ブラジルのパラナ州の収穫量の減少やサンパウロ州での悪天候により生産量見通しが前月から引き下げられたこと等を受け前月から下方修正されたものの、史上最高となる見通し。

USDA 大豆 : 世界の消費量は、アルゼンチン、米国等で増加することから前年度より増加し、史上最高となる見通し。世界の生産量は消費量を上回り、期末在庫量は前年度を上回る見通し。














Jay Powell:  The real question is, is the possibility of a recession elevated at the current time? And I would say, no, I don’t see forecasters disagreeing with that. Growth is strong, as I mentioned, the economy’s in a good place. And there’s no reason to think the economy is in a recession or is at the edge of one, but humility.